Programming Actions and Conditions
S7-GRAPH for S7-300/400 Programming Sequential Control Systems
Assignments with Operator
Enter assignments with an operator with the syntax A:=B<operator>C. These
assignments are basic math functions and bit logic operations. The assigned
address A specifies the data type of the expression. You can use the following
assignments with an operator:
Assignments with
A := B + C
+I, +D, +R
A := B - C
-I, -D, -R
A := B * C
*I, *D, *R
A := B / C
/I, /D, /R
When necessary, the operator can be supplemented by +D/+R in
the basic math functions.
A := B MOD C
Modulo: Only for data type DINT
A := B AND C
AND operation (STL instructions: AW, AD)
A := B OR C
OR operation (STL instructions: OW, OD)
A := B XOR C
EXCLUSIVE OR operation (STL instructions: XOW, XOD)
A := B SHL C
Shift left, 0<=C<=255 (STL instructions: SLW, SLD)
A := B SHR C
Shift right, 0<=C<=255 (STL instructions: SRW, SRD)
A := B SSR C
Shift right with sign, 0<=C<=255 (STL instructions: SSI, SSD)
A := B ROL C
Rotate left, 0<=C<=255 (STL instructions: RLD)
A := B ROR C
Rotate right, 0<=C<=255 (STL instructions: RRD)