SCALANCE W760/W720 to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 11/2014, C79000-G8976-C351-03
ip http, 338
no ip http, 338
ip name server, 271
no ip name server, 272
ip route, 267
no ip route, 267
lease time, 289
link, 420
no link, 421
lldp, 60
no lldp, 61
loadsave, 66
logout, 46
mac-address-table aging, 202
no mac-address-table aging, 203
mac-address-table aging-time, 346
mgmt vlan, 206
mtu, 62
no nat, 353
nat interface, 355
no nat interface, 356
nat local ip address, 354
nat timeout, 356
no nat timeout, 358
network, 290
no sinema, 81
no snmp filterprofile, 315
ntp, 106
ntp server, 107
no ntp server, 108
ntp time diff, 108
option, 291
no option, 295
option value-hex, 293
option value-string, 294
no option, 295, 295
password, 71
no password, 72
ping, 46
pool-enable, 296
no pool-enable, 297
ports, 216
no ports, 217
renew dhcp, 278
restart, 74
revision, 256
no revision, 257
Scope of the manual, 15
send test mail, 422
sender mail-address, 334
no sender mail-address, 334
set-interface, 298
severity, 418
no severity, 419
show authlog, 403
show authorized-managers, 399
show cli-console-timeout, 33
show coordinates, 34
show dcp forwarding, 259
show dcp server, 260
show device information, 34
show dot1d mac-address-table, 196
show dst info, 100
show events config, 404
show events faults config, 405
show events faults status, 406
show events sender email, 330
show events severity, 404
show events smtp-port, 331
show events smtp-server, 330
show events syslogserver, 423
show history, 31
show in, 35
show interface mtu, 38
show interfaces, 36
show interfaces ... counters, 37