Installation Test Procedures
Issue 1, May 1986
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General. The SATURN
EPABX is a
Controlled (SPC) system. The system is shipped with two iden-
tical floppy disks that contain the basic operating and the
installation-dependent data. The operating program uses the
installation-dependent data, commonly referred to as the sys-
tem data base, to complete and process calls as required by
the customer. This information includes such items as the
number of station lines and trunks in the system, as well as
their operating characteristics.
The exact equipment configuration of the SATURN
tem must be defined in the data base in order for the system
to operate properly. Depending on how the system is ordered,
the data base is supplied in a standard format or, on request,
c a n b e s u p p l i e d c o m p l e t e l y d e f i n e d a n d p r e p a r e d b y S i e m e n s .
When the standard data base format is supplied, via the
SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation practice, the equip-
ment configuration of the particular installation-site must be
evaluated to determine if additional information must be ad-
ded to the floppy disks. The floppy disks are updated via a
service terminal. The procedures for defining the data base
and inputting the data to memory are described in the
SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation practice and
SATURN EPABX Customer Memory Update (CMU) Proce-
dures practice.
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ing the Power-Up/Output Voltage Tests in Section 4.00, the
system’s operating program, contained
the floppy
is loaded into the FDD modules for the initial processor in-
itialization. Both floppy disks are loaded, with either disk
placed in either drive (FDDO or
Before proceeding
the loading procedures indicated in Table 5.00, the following
precautions must be observed when handling the floppy disks.
Figure 5.00 illustrates the floppy disk and storage envelope.
a .
Prior to using a floppy disk, leave disk in the same en-
vironment as the FDD module for at least 5 minutes.
b. Do not place heavy objects on floppy disk.
c. Do not write on floppy disk.
d. Do not touch floppy disk suriace while
Damage to FDD head may occur due to skin oil pick-
ing up dirt.
e .
Always return floppy
to storage envelope when it
is not in use.
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Inputting CMU Data
After satisfac-
torily loading the operating disks as indicated in Table 5.00,
refer to the SATURN EPABX Data Base Preparation practice
which defines the particular system’s data base,
EPABX Customer Memory Update (CMU)
tice to input the installation-dependent
to memory
C e n t e r i n g
H o l e
Figure 5.00 Floppy Disk and Storage Envelope