UMN:CLI User Manual
SURPASS hiD 6615 S223/S323 R1.5
214 A50010-Y3-C150-2-7619 MST
If MSTP is established in the hiD 6615 S223/S323, decide which MST region the switch is
going to belong to by configuring MST configuration ID. Configuration ID contains region
name, revision, VLAN map.
To set configuration ID, use the following command.
Command Mode
stp mst config-id name
Designate the name for the region:
name: set the MST region name.
NAME: enter name to give the MST region.
stp mst config-id map
Configure the range of VLAN that is going to be group-
ing as a region:
1-64: select an instance ID number.
VLAN-RANGE: enter a number of the VLANs to be
mapped to the specified instance.
stp mst config-id revision
Configure the switches in the same MST boundary as
same number:
0-65535: set the MST configuration revision number.
In case of configuring STP and RSTP, you don’t need to configure configuration ID. If it is
configured, error message is displayed.
To delete configuration ID, use the following command.
Command Mode
no stp mst config-id
Delete the entire configured configuration ID.
no stp mst config-id name
Deletes the name of region, enter the MST region
no stp mst config-id map
Deletes entire VLAN-map or part of it, select the in-
stance ID number and the number of the VLANs to
remove from the specified instance.
no stp mst config-id revision
Deletes the configured revision number.
After configuring configuration ID in the hiD 6615 S223/S323, you should apply the con-
figuration to the switch. After changing or deleting the configuration, you must apply it to
the switch. If not, it does not being injected into the switch.
To apply the configuration to the switch after configuring configuration ID, use the follow-
ing command.
Command Mode
stp mst config-id commit
Commits the configuration of the region.
After deleting the configured configuration ID, apply it to the switch using the above com-