Heating controllers RVP201 and RVP211
Building Technologies
3 Technical design
3.9.2 Interactions with room unit QAA50..
Room unit QAA50.110/101,
with LCD display, room temperature meas-
urement and display, knob for manual
setpoint readjustments, operating- and pres-
ence button
The QAA50.. can act on the RVP201/211 in the following manner:
Overriding of the operating mode
Readjustment of the room temperature
For this purpose, the QAA50.. has three operating elements:
Operating mode slider
Economy button (also called presence button)
Setting knob for room temperature readjustments
From the QAA50.., the current operating mode of the RVP201/211 can be overridden.
This is accomplished with the operating mode slider and the economy button.
To enable the QAA50.. to act on the controller, the latter must meet the following oper-
ating conditions:
Automatic mode
A6–MD not bridged (that is, external changeover switch, if present, must be open)
The actions of the QAA50.. operating mode slider on the RVP201/211 are as follows:
Operating mode
Operating mode RVP201/211
Automatic mode
; temporary overriding with
QAA50.. economy button possible
Normal or setback mode, depending on economy button, per-
manent overriding
Protection mode
With the setting knob of the QAA50.., only the room temperature setpoint of normal
heating can be readjusted by a maximum of ±3 °C. This readjustment is added to the
setting made on the RVP201/211.
3.9.3 Interactions with room unit QAW70
Room unit QAW70 with room temperature sensor,
time switch, setpoint adjustment and room tem-
perature readjustment (setting knob)
With the QAW70, the following functions can be provided and actions on the
RVP201/211 effected:
Overriding the operating
Setting knob