OP1S Operator Control Panel
Siemens AG
477 459 4070 72 J AA-6R
Operating Instructions
The "P" key is used to move between the levels parameter number, parameter index and
parameter value.
Parameter number
Parameter index
Parameter value
If there is no parameter index, this level is skipped. The parameter index and parameter
value can be corrected directly with the numerical keys or with the "Raise"/"Lower" keys.
An exception to this are parameter values shown in binary form. In this case, the
individual bits are selected with "Raise"/"Lower" and corrected with the numerical keys (0
or 1).
If the index number is entered by means of the numerical keys, the value is not accepted
until "P" is pressed. If the "Raise" or "Lower" keys are used to correct the number, the
value comes into effect immediately. The acceptance of an entered parameter value and
return to the parameter number does not take place until "P" is pressed. The level
selected in each case (parameter number, parameter index, parameter value) is marked
with the cursor. If an incorrect parameter value is entered, the old value can be obtained
by pressing "Reset". The "Reset" key can also be used to go one level lower.
Parameter value
Parameter index
Para. No.
Parameters which can be altered are shown in upper-case letters and those which
cannot be altered in lower-case letters. If a parameter can only be changed under special
conditions or if an incorrect value has been entered with the numerical keys, an
appropriate message follows, e.g.:
"Value not perm."
Incorrect value entered
"Value <> min/max“
Value too large or too small
No parameter access
"Operating status?“
Value can only be changed in "Drive setting" status, for example
With "Reset“, the message is deleted and the old value is re-instated.
Parameter changes are always stored with power-failure protection in the
EEPROM of the unit connected to the OP1S.