BA 5814 en 09/2014
The elements must be pulled smartly onto the shaft as far as stated on the dimensioned drawing prepared
in accordance with the order.
Fit the coupling with the aid of suitable fitting equipment (see item 6.7). The parts must
not be driven on by abrupt force, as this may damage the gear unit.
The shaftsealing rings and running surfaces of the shaft must not be damaged when
pulling in the coupling parts.
When installing the drives, make absolutely certain that the individual components are
accurately aligned in relation to each other. Inadmissibly large errors in the alignment
of the shaft ends to be connected due to angular and/or axial misalignments result in
premature wear and/or material damage.
Insufficiently rigid base frames or substructures can also during operation cause
a radial and/or axial misalignment, which cannot be measured when the unit is at
a standstill.
Gear units with a weight that requires the use of lifting gear must be attached at the points
shown in section 4, "Transport and storage". If the gear unit is to be transported with addon
parts, additional attachment points may be required. The position of these attachment points
is shown on the orderrelated dimensioned drawing.
The unit on the input side must be precisely aligned with the gearunit shaft, using:
spirit level
dial gauge
feeler gauge, etc.
The gear unit can now be fixed in position.
The accuracy of shaftaxis alignment is an important factor in determining the life span of
shafts, bearings and couplings.
For a detailed illustration of the connection for the torque arm, please refer to the drawings of the gearunit