Operating instructions
Confirmation key:
Enter or confirmation key: each
numerical input or change via the
Yes/No keys must be confirmed by
the enter key; only then does the
device accept the change. The en-
ter key can also be used to ac-
knowledge and clear a fault
prompt in this display; a new input
and repeated use of the enter key
is then necessary.
Control and special keys:
Codeword: prevents unautho-
rized access to setting programs
(not necessary for call-up of an-
nunciations or messages)
Backspace erasure of incorrect
Function key; explained when
Direct addressing: if the address
number is known, this key allows
direct call-up of the address
Messages/Signals: interrogation
of annunciations of fault and oper-
ating data (refer Section 6.4)
The three keys
; RESET which are somewhat
separated from the rest of the keys, can be ac-
cessed when the front cover is closed. The arrows
have the same function as the keys with identical
symbols in the main field and enable paging in for-
ward direction. Thus all setting values and event
data can be displayed with the front cover closed.
Furthermore, stored LED indications on the front can
be erased via the RESET key without opening the
front cover. During reset operation all LEDs on the
front will be illuminated thus performing a LED test.
With this reset, additionally, the fault event indica-
tions in the display on the front panel of the device
are acknowledged; the display shows then the op-
erational values of the quiescent state. The display is
switched over to operating mode as soon as one of
the keys
is pressed.
6.2.2 Operation with a personal com-
A personal computer allows, just as the operator
panel, all the appropriate settings, initiation of test
routines and read-out of data, but with the added
comfort of screen-based visualization and a menu-
guided procedure.
All data can be read in from, or copied onto, magnet-
ic data carrier (floppy disc) (e.g. for settings and con-
figuration). Additionally, all the data can be docu-
mented on a connected printer. It is also possible, by
connecting a plotter, to print out the fault history
For operation of the personal computer, the instruc-
tion manuals of this device are to be observed. The
PC program DIGSI is available for setting and pro-
cessing of all digital protection data. Note that the
operating interface in the front of the relay is not gal-
vanically isolated and that only adequate connec-
tion cables are applied (e.g. 7XV5100---2). Further
information about facilities on request.
6.2.3 Operational preconditions
For most operational functions, the input of a code-
word is necessary. This applies for all entries via the
membrane keyboard or front interface which con-
cern the operation on the relay, for example
--- setting of functional parameters (thresholds,
--- allocation or marshalling of trip relays, signals,
binary inputs, LED indicators,
--- configuration parameters for operation language
and device configuration,
--- initiation of test procedures.
The codeword is not required for the read-out of an-
nunciations, operating data or fault data, or for the
read-out of setting parameters.
The method of entry of the codeword is explained in
detail in the installation instructions under Section
. ElectricalPartManuals
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