Release the latches and open the
cell door, and remove the type
38-3AH3-GTD ground and test
device from the circuit breaker cell
using the same procedures as for
removing the type 38-3AH3 38 kV
circuit breaker. Close the cell door
and secure latches.
A2.3 The procedure for dielectric testing
(or insulation resistance testing) of
primary circuits. It is imperative
that the user become totally
familiar with every aspect of a
ground and test device before
using it. The user must be certain
which primary circuits connect to
each primary disconnect (stud),
and the user must know if these
circuits are or could be energized
due to backfeed. The user must
make certain that the primary
circuit is de-energized before
performing any testing, including
testing for insulation resistance.
Make no assumptions, and
double check each step!
Complete operational checkout of
the ground and test device and
familiarization routine, section A1
of these operation - device types B
and D instructions beginning on
page 20.
A2.2.14 Extend the control cable to its full
length, so that the CLOSE-OPEN
pushbutton control station is as far
from the switchgear compartment
to be grounded as possible, and off
to the side rather than in front of
the switchgear compartment to be
grounded. Verify that no person is
in the area in front of the
switchgear compartment. Depress
the open pushbutton on the
remote pushbutton station. The
ground and test device will open.
This will remove the ground from
the selected primary studs.
Confirm that the open/close
indicator on the ground and test
device indicates the device is open.
Remove the ground and test device
from the compartment. Refer to
racking instructions contained in
the switchgear instruction manual,
E50001-F710-A236-X-XXXX for
type GM38 switchgear.
Close and latch the door of the
circuit breaker cell and rack the
type 38-3AH3-GTD ground and test
device to disconnected position
using the same procedures as for
racking the type 38-3AH3 38 kV
circuit breaker.
Hazardous voltage and high currents.
Can cause death, serious injury and property damage.
Extend the control cable to its full length.
Use the CLOSE-OPEN pushbutton control station as far from the
switchgear compartment to be grounded as possible and off to the side
rather than in the front.
Make sure that no person is in the area in front of the switchgear
compartment to be grounded.