8018478/YWL5/2018-06| SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | NAV245
Subject to change without notice
Search and check for the target boards
The following image shows the search side page. The three required target boards are sym-
bolized as a graphics. The colour of the graphics are presenting their actual status.
Abb. 37: recognised target boards
Beside the symbolising graphics oft he target boards the value of the refering target board
are presented.
The value „Availability“ is rating the qualty of the detection. Is the percentage of the quality
is above 80, then the quality is sufficient for the usage as a target board for the alignment
of the scanner.
In the center of the page the value of the „Sampling progress“ is presented, which indicates
the progress ot the search and queck procedure.
Abb. 38: values of target boards
A graphic with a green background indi-cate
the detection of target board without prob-
A graphic with a yellow background indi-
cates that the status of the target board in
the expected direction is unknown.
A graphic with a red background indicate
that a possible target board has been detec-
ted with an error that a target board is mis-
sing in the expected directiont.