: Configuration of the interfaces (left-hand side) and input of communica‐
tion parameters (right-hand side).
Communication with the device can take place via different Ethernet ports:
: This port is configured to CoLa-A as standard. It is fully functional for config‐
uration and data output. Intended use is device configuration. The CoLa-A protocol
would enable the output of scan data on this port but would require a lot of com‐
puting time and bandwidth.
: This port is configured to CoLa-B as standard. It is fully functional for config‐
uration and data output. Intended use is as a customer interface, including for
data communication (output of scan data).
: This port works with the CoLa-2 protocol. It is fully functional for configura‐
tion and data output and supports all improvements to the CoLa-2 protocol.
: This port works with UDP/CoLa-B as standard. It is fully functional for con‐
figuration and data output. Intended use is as a rapid customer interface for real-
time applications.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | MRS6000
8022069/114M/2019-07-17 | SICK
Subject to change without notice