- Enter the TV in Service Mode.
- Change from OFF to ON.
- Switch OFF and Switch ON the TV.
Now the TV does not have watchdog and it is possible to make bootloader.
- Select Bootloader option. Set AutoRead to ON and wait until 22 appears in Bootlader Version fi eld.
- Click on the button Erase 16bit Flash. The bootloader version will be zero during few seconds. When the
version fi eld marks again 22 set Auto Read OFF.
- Click on the button LOAD BIN -> FLASH and the updating will start up.
- The updating will end before the progress bar reaches the end; if there is no error message the updating has
been good.
Sometime the progress bar is very quick or error message appears, then is necessary increase the delay until the
problem disappear:
-Select LPT Preference.
- Increase Delay: normally 2 or 3 are the best choice.
If there are further problems to enter the bootloader mode you can use the hardware method:
- Power off VCTi or hold RESET line to GND.
- Pull down SCL line to GND.
- Power up VCTi or release RESET line.
- Release SCL pull down after minimum of 1 second.
- Check if VCTi is in bootloader mode with a AutoRead.
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