Scanning From a WIA Application (Windows XP/Me only)
7. Scanning
Place the original on the document glass.
Open the document glass cover and place
the original face down on the glass with
the top edge against the document guide.
Make sure the centre of the original is
aligned with the centre mark on the
document guide, and then close the
Important: Make sure the glass is
clean. Any dirt, fingerprints, hair, or
other debris may affect the quality of
the scanned image.
Start your WIA-compliant application on your computer.
Scanning From a WIA Application (Windows
XP/Me only)
If you are using Windows
XP or Windows
Me, you can scan a document
into Paint or any other WIA-compliant application.
The auto document feeder cannot be used to scan a document into a WIA
The maximum resolution is 600 dpi.
The machine does not need to be in scan mode to scan a document from a
WIA application.