LISST - 25 User’s Guide
Open the LISST-25 Windows Program Terminal window. Enter DS and press the Send button to display
the current status. The Time and Date will have been reset to Jan 1, 1980. To reset the date and time
click on the Clock button to reset the instrument time to the PC time. Other parameters, such as samples
per average, will also need to be reset to desired values. The background scatter data will be reset to
factory default values. Therefore a new background must be recorded.
After setting the parameters store 100 samples to memory and then erase the datafile. It does not matter if
there is water around the optics. This step will store data to memory and flush out any temporary data
storage. The easiest way to store 100 samples is to issue a GR 100 command at the L25>> prompt.
The system is now ready for normal use.