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SEL- 2664S Data Sheet
Date Code 20190416
Radiated Emissions:
IEC 60255-26:2013 Class A
FCC 47 CFR Part 15.109 Class A
ICES-003 Issue 6
EN 55011:2009 + A1:2010 Class A
EN 55022:2010 + AC:2011 Class A
EN 55032:2012 + AC:2013 Class A
CISPR 11:2009 + A1:2010 Class A
CISPR 22:2008 Class A
CISPR 32:2015 Class A
* Front-port serial cable (non-fiber) lengths assumed to be <3m.
Processing Specifications and Oscillography
AC Voltage and Current Inputs:
32 samples per power system cycle
(based on FNOM)
Digital Filtering:
All analog quantities are calculated
every 1/4 cycle over 640 samples.
Protection and Control Processing: Processing interval is 4 times per power
system cycle (except for math
variables and analog quantities, which
are processed every 25 ms).
Length: 180
Sampling Rate:
32 samples per cycle, unfiltered
Trigger: Programmable
Compressed ASCII
Time-Stamp Resolution:
1 ms
Time-Stamp Accuracy:
5 ms
Sequential Events Recorder
Time-Stamp Resolution:
1 ms
Time-Stamp Accuracy (with
respect to time source):
5 ms
Relay Elements
Stator Ground (64S)
Pickup Range:
OFF, 0.1 k
–10 k
Pickup/Measurement Accuracy,
Steady State:
10% of pickup ±50
for pickup
2 k
±15% pickup for 2 k
< pickup
10 k
Time Delay Range:
0.1–400.0 seconds
Time Delay Accuracy:
0.1% of user setting,
4.2 ms at 60 Hz
* Metering for stator insulation resistance to ground is supported as high as
99 k
Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR) Monitor
NGR Short Pickup Range:
OFF, 0.01
NGR Open Pickup Range:
OFF, 0.1
Pickup Accuracy:
±10% of user setting plus ±0.01
* Accuracy specification applies when no stator insulation fault is present.
Neutral Fundamental Overvoltage (59N)
Pickup Range:
OFF, 5.0–150.0 V
Pickup Accuracy:
5% of user setting plus
1 V
Time Delay Range:
0.1–400.0 seconds
Time Delay Accuracy:
0.1% of user setting plus
4.2 ms at
60 Hz
Neutral RMS Overvoltage (59NRMS)
Pickup Range:
OFF, 5.0–150.0 V
Pickup Accuracy:
5% of user setting plus
1 V
Time Delay Range:
0.1–400.0 seconds
Time Delay Accuracy:
0.1% of user setting plus
4.2 ms at
60 Hz
Rotor Field Ground Protection (64F)
(Optional—Requires SEL-2664 Field Ground Module)
Pickup Range:
OFF, 0.5 k
–200 k
Pickup Accuracy, Steady State:
for 48
field voltage
825 Vdc
20 k
for 825
field voltage
1500 Vdc
Pickup Time:
2 s if the injection frequency in the
SEL-2664 is selected at 1 Hz
8 s if the injection frequency in the
SEL-2664 is selected at 0.25 Hz
Time Delay Range:
0.1–400.0 seconds
Time Delay Accuracy:
5 ms
* Insulation resistance metering is supported as high as 20 M
is supported as high as 200 k
Accuracies are specified at 20°C, nominal frequency, unless otherwise
I_SRC (Injection Source Current)
Magnitude Accuracy:
5% plus
0.05 mA
IN (Neutral Current)
(within 1 mA–16 mA rms):
5% plus
0.05 mA
Stator Ground Insulation
10% of Rf ±50
for Rf
2 k
±15% of Rf for 2 k
< Rf
(Rf = stator insulation resistance to
Rotor Field Insulation Resistance:
. for 48 Vdc
825 Vdc
20 k
. for 825 Vdc
1500 Vdc
VN (Neutral Voltage)
(within 2.5–240 V secondary):
5% of user setting plus
1 V
* Typical. Measurement accuracy is affected by installation-specific factors
such as NGR location, parallel generator configuration, injection
transformer heating, accurate knowledge of the NGR tap ratio, etc. The
highest value displayed is 99.99 k
. Measurement accuracy improves
at lower insulation resistances.