11 – Advanced MatterControl: Settings – Printer
section covers items that are specific to the printer being used for the
current print job.
Print Area
page covers
parameters that describe the
mechanical features of the printer.
Bed Size
fields cover
the width and length of the bed.
Since the Eris® has a round bed,
you'll see that both figures are the
same, the
Print Center
has been
set to 0,0 (the center of the circle)
and the
Bed Shape
has been set to
Build Height
parameter should be set to the highest practical build height. In the
case of the Eris®, this is set to 175mm. (The actual maximum Z height recorded in the
EEPROM may differ due to being updated by the auto-calibration routine.)
Z Offset
can be used if you want to set a specific adjustment to the z-zero position of the
G-code when it's created by the slicing engine.
Bed Shape
parameter dictates what bed type is shown in the 3D viewer.
section allows you to specify what features are installed on your Eris®.
Has Fan
, when checked will allow
the slicing engine to control the layer
cooling fan.
Has Hardware Leveling
should be
set for the Eris®.
Has Heated Bed
should be
unchecked for the Eris®. This allows the
slicing engine to control the heat of the bed
when one is installed..
Has SD Card Reader
should be
unchecked for the Eris®. This allows
MatterControl to save STL and G-code
directly to the SD card if there's one present
on the currently connected printer.
Has Power Control
should be
unchecked on the Eris® as it does not support that feature.