PRIVACY MASK: Here you can set the privacy mask number and etc. It includes the third menu.
Please move the cursor to the current item and then click the confirm button to go to the next
PTZ SPEED: It is to set PTZ speed. Please use the left/right button to set.
SET ZERO: It is to set the PTZ initial position. Please move the PTZ to the corresponding position
and then click the confirm button to complete the setup.
POWER UP: It is to set the PTZ action when the speed dome boots up. Click the confirm button to
go to the next interface. To set
MENU PASSWORD: It is to set the password to go to the PTZ menu. Click the confirm button to go
to the next interface. To set
MENU IDLE: If current setup is ON, once you open the menu and leave it idle for specified period,
the menu may automatically disappear. If current setup is OFF, the menu is always there and will
not disappear. Please use the left/right button to set.
PTZ AUTO STOP: The speed dome will stop all the PTZ operations when there is no command for
the specified time. It includes various setups. Please use the left/right button to set.
HEATER CONTROL: There are three options: NO/NC/Auto. The default setup is auto.
PTZ CORRECTION: It is to set speed dome self-diagnosis. Use the left/right button to set on/off.
BACK: Go back to the previous menu.
EXIT: Log out the system menu.
Privacy Mask
Move the cursor to PRIVACY MASK and click confirm button, system goes to privacy mask setup
For security reasons, please set privacy zone a little bit larger than the privacy object size.
Each time, after modifications you need to move the cursor to SAVE button and then click confirm
button to get all setup activated. Otherwise, privacy zone may not move correspondingly with the object.
Please enter privacy mask menu.
Move the cursor to PRIVACY NO, please use left/right key to set different privacy zones.
For example, shift to 001 section and then move the cursor to SETTING.
Secondly, click OK button to go to the setup interface. Now there is a privacy zone in the screen centre.
Operate PTZ to move the camera screen so that the centre of the object you want to shield is overlaying
with the centre of the screen.
Thirdly, move the cursor to RESIZE and then click left and right key to adjust privacy zone direction and size.
Fourthly, move the cursor to SAVE and then click confirm button to exit. Please note you need to click SAVE
button to save current privacy mask setup so that the privacy mask region can move along with the PTZ
movement to always cover the object you want to shield.
Here is to set privacy mask zone. Please use the left/right button on the keyboard or in
the speed dome terminal menu to set. You can call corresponding privacy mask zone number if you
have successfully set one.
PRIVACY MASKING: There are two settings: on and off. Please go to the corresponding privacy mask
zone and click left/right button to set.