© 201
"Kodinis Raktas"
The system is made in Lithuania. A warranty term is 24 months. The manufacturer – company "Kodinis
Raktas" declares, that product “SECOLink” complies with essential EU directive and EU standard EN
50131-1. See manufacturer’s web site: www.kodinis.lt, www.secolink.eu for complete text of declaration.
System compliance and warranty
Remote control with any cell phone. Smart control with “Android OS” phones
The GSV2x is working in the system in the same way as the extra keypad and emulates basic features of the
keypad. In order to control the security system user must call to GSV2x. When a connection is established
via the GSM network, user must enter a valid security system PIN and press #. In order to disarm the system
user must enter 0#, in order to arm the system user must enter 1#. Command 007# is used to start the
microphone. Full list of commands can be found in GSV2x module user manual.
Smart phone owners have big advantage against the classic phone owners, because they can use a
Secolink application and control the system without any commands to remember. Simplified wizard allows
to set-up necessary settings very easily. When this action is done, user will control the system by pressing
corresponding buttons only.
Short user manual
Intruder alarm system
4, KM24A
4, KM24A
Application commands:
All received messages from the security system are stored in event log.
User can edit object settings (edit object name, phone numbers, login PIN and other).
WWW link to manufacturer website.
Application settings.
User can arm selected partitions in selected arming mode (Away, Stay, Night, Vacation).
User can disarm all partitions.
User can control pre-programmed outputs. The output can be pre-programmed to turn On/Off the heating
or ventilation or control other devices.
This button is used to receive system status from the security system.
User can bypass / unbypass selected zones. Temporal and permanent zone bypass modes are available.
Clear Alarm
Communication and messaging (GSV2x module must be installed)
is m
enu provides the configuration for the phone numbers that the
GSV2x module
will use when sending
or when calling to user.
Security system
Answer More
Jeremy Armed 1st
Floor, 2nd Floor,
phone number must be entered in international format. The sign "+" is added automatically;
Smart Phone
this option must be enabled if the user has an Android OS application SECOLINK pre-
installed on his phone.
SMS on arming
user will receive the SMS when system was armed. User's name who armed the system
will be mentioned in SMS text.
SMS on disarming
user will receive the SMS when system was disarmed. User's name who disarmed
the system will be mentioned in SMS text.
SMS on alarm
user will receive the SMS when an alarm is triggered;
Call on alarm
user will receive a call when an alarm is triggered. Incoming call must be acknowledged by
pressing 0# or by entering PIN#;
Mandatory call
user will receive a call when an alarm is triggered. The main difference between "Call on
alarm" and "Mandatory call" is that user will receive a call even if the user before him (in the list)
acknowledge the call by pressing 0# or by entering PIN#;
SMS on trouble
user will receive the SMS when a trouble appears on system (example: battery low);
Testing SMS
user will receive the test SMS.
, [Settings] ,
Cell phones (GSM)