Connect a
" OD copper tube to a threaded
compression fitting on the inlet water valve. There
is an access hole in the back of the cabinet for
routing the tube.
1. Remove the two screws in the lower grille area
and one screw from the center panel support. Pull
forward and down to remove the lower access
2. While the panel is off, rotate the fan to check
that it moves freely.
3. Open the ice bin door, and slightly loosen, but
Do Not Remove the thumb screws holding the
cutter grid and water pan in place.
4. Have a shut off valve installed on the potable
cold water supply tubing near the ice machine.
5. Connect to the shut off valve sufficient length of
" OD copper tubing to connect to the ice
6. Route the
" copper tubing through the hole in
the back of the cabinet. If the machine is to be built
in, route the tubing so that it will extend past the
front of the cabinet when the cabinet is pushed
into its installed position.
7. Flush the water line into a bucket to discharge
any dirt that may be in the line.
8. Locate the drain tube at the back of the cabinet.
Determine the required location of the drain tube
when the cabinet is in its correct position, and
install a 1
" minimum diameter standpipe directly
below where the drain tube outlet will be. Add
insulation to the outside of the drain tube if desired.
Follow all local codes regarding requirements for
air gaps.
9. Plug the ice machine into a grounded outlet.
10. Slide the ice machine back and observe that
the water inlet tube moves forward thru the ice
11. An adapter fitting is furnished in the ice
machine’s parts bag. Place it on the inlet water
valve and connect the 1/4" OD tube to it. Be sure it
is water tight.
12. Check the level of the ice machine front to back
and left to right. Shim as needed.
December 1995
Page 4