Service Diagnosis
Probable Cause
Possible Solution
Excessive water dripping on ice
Water pan overflowing
Check overflow tube for
restrictions. Overflow hose not
inserted in liner drain. Incorrect or
worn flow washer in the inlet
water valve.
Water pan out of position
Install correctly
Water inlet tube from water valve
not inserted in water pan.
Locate tube properly.
Ice jam on cutter grid causing
water to flow into bin
Check cutter grid, check for
mineral build up.
Mineral build up on evaporator
High mineral content in water
Clean the water system
Ice cubes too thin
Evaporator thermostat set for thin
Adjust thickness
Non enough water being
circulated over the evaporator
Check for restriction in water lines
Check water pump and distributor
Evaporator thermostat out of
Re calibrate or replace
Ice cubes too thick
Evaporator thermostat set at or
beyond maximum thickness
Adjust thickness
Evaporator thermostat out of
Re calibrate or replace
Overcharge of refrigerant
Recover, evacuate, recharge with
the nameplate charge of R-134a.
Condenser fan does not run
Fan blade stuck against
Check fan blade
Motor windings open or bearings
Replace fan motor
Open circuit in wiring
Check wiring
Defective evaporator thermostat
Replace thermostat
December 1995
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