Query syntax: FUNCtion: WTIMe?
Return Format: <value><NL^END>
The :FUNCtion:WTIMe? query returns to the wait time of the instrument.
command set the measurement time of the instrument.
The FUNCtion:MTIMe? query returns to the current measurement time of the instrument.
Command syntax:
FUNCtion: CTIMe <value>
Where, <value> is any real value among the measurement time range (0-999.0s) of the
instrument (correct to 0.1s).
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNCtion:MTIMe 12.5”); set the measurement time of the
instrument as 12.5s.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: MTIMe?
Return Format: <value><NL^END>
The :FUNCtion:MTIMe? query returns to the measurement time of the instrument.
command set the discharge time of the instrument.
The FUNCtion:DTIMe? query returns to the current discharge time of the instrument.
Command syntax:
FUNCtion: DTIMe <value>
Where, <value> is any real value among the discharge time range (0-999.0s) of the
instrument (correct to 0.1s).
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNCtion:DTIMe 12.5”); set the discharge time of the instrument
as 12.5s.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: DTIMe?
Return Format: <value><NL^END>
The :FUNCtion:DTIMe? query returns to the discharge time of the instrument.
command sets the measurement average time of the instrument.
The :FUNCtion:AVERage? query returns to the current measurement average times of
the instrument.
Command syntax:
FUNCtion: AVERage <value>
Where, <value> is any integer value among the average times range (1-999) of the
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNCtion:AVERage 12”); set the average times of the instrument
as 12.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: AVERage?
Return Format: <value><NL^END>
The :FUNCtion:AVERage? query returns to the average times of the instrument.
command sets the range of the instrument.
The FUNCtion:RANGe? query returns to the current range parameters .
Command syntax:
FUNCtion: RANGe <value>
Where, <value> can be 1mA
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC:RANG 1mA”); Set the range of the instrument as 1mA.