Handling and operation
02.01|RST-P 060 / 087|en
Conversion/Change of operating modes left-pulsing L (ACW)
←→ right-pulsing (CW) ←→ operation on both sides B
Warning: Risk of injury when the machine/system moves unex-
Remove the energy supplies before starting with assembly and
Make sure that no residual energy remains in the system.
Conversion left-pulsing operation (ACW) ←→ right pulsing (CW)
Position of the position numbers
1 Unscrew the 4 screws (51).
2 Screw out back stop with dampening bolts (17), (41) and shock
absorbers (45) and screw in the respective opposite position.
3 Setting the damper and the back stop
4 Tighten the 4 screws (51).
1 Unscrew the 4 screws (51).
2 Screw out the back stop with dampening bolts (17), (41) and
shock absorber (45).
3 Disassemble cover plates (13) and (14).
4 Take out parts for stroke reduction (08), (31) and push in on
opposite side of piston bore hole.
5 Assemble cover plates (13) and (14).
The stroke reductions must always be mounted on the same side
as the damper.
6 Screw in dampers and back stop opposite to the original side.
7 Setting the damper and the back stop
8 Tighten the 4 screws (51).
pitch 4
pitch 6, 8, 12