6.5 Solenoid interlock with serial diagnostic function SD
Solenoid interlocks with serial diagnostic cable have a serial input and output cable instead of the conventional
diagnostic output. If solenoid interlocks are wired in series, the diagnostic data are transmitted through the series-
wiring of the inputs and outputs.
Max. 31 solenoid interlocks can be wired in series. For the evaluation of the serial diagnostics line either the
PROFIBUS-Gateway SD-I-DP-V0-2 or the Universal-Gateway SD-I-U-... are used. This serial diagnostic interface is
integrated as slave in an existing field bus system. In this way, the diagnostic signals can be evaluated by means of
a PLC.
The necessary software for the integration of the SD-Gateway is available for download at products.schmersal.com.
The response data and the diagnostic data are automatically and permanently written in an input byte of the PLC
for each solenoid interlock in the series-wired chain. The request data for each solenoid interlock is transmitted to
the component through an output byte of the PLC. In case of a communication error between the SD-gateway and
the solenoid interlock, the switching condition of the solenoid interlock is maintained.
Errors which no longer guarantee the function of the safety switchgear (internal errors) cause the safety outputs to
be disabled within the duration of risk. The fault is reset, when the cause is eliminated and bit 7 of the request byte
changes from 1 to 0 or the safety guard is opened. Faults at the safety outputs are only deleted upon the next
release, as the fault rectification cannot be detected sooner.
Fault warning
A fault that does not immediately endanger the safety function of the safety switchgear (e.g. too high ambient
temperature, safety output at external potential, cross-circuit) leads to delayed shutdown (see Table 2). This signal
combination, diagnostic output disabled and safety channels still enabled, can be used to stop the production
process in a controlled manner. An error warning is deleted when the cause of error is eliminated. If the fault
warning remains on for 30 minutes, the safety outputs are also switched off (red LED flashes, see Table 2).
Diagnostic error (warning)
If an error (warning) is signalled in the response byte, detailed fault information can be read out.