No beeps or blinks when battery
pack is connected.
• Improper plug connection.
• Pinched wires or bent pins.
• Reversed battery or dead battery.
• Check all wiring, and the three plugs.
• Check that battery voltage is 6 VDC or better
with new batteries.
Fails power up self test. There were
no three green LED blinks and
beeps at the end of power up, just
three RED LED blinks and beeps.
• Motor not connected.
• Battery voltage low.
• Check all three plug connections, inspect for cut
or pinched through door wires. Measure battery
voltage, must be over 6 VDC.
Unable to connect to the device with
BLE, don’t see the expected lock
name, or “Schlage Lock”.
• The battery cover must be installed to avoid
Tamper Mode before BLE will work.
• The tamper switch could be broken.
• Press “+” in the app.
• Install the battery cover.
• Turn the outside lever, and check for the name
again by pressing “+” in the app.
Latch is not retracting when access
is granted.
• Latch tail assembly incorrect.
• Check installation step 2.
NDE is crooked in the door
Check installation step 2, that the latch tail fits
in the slide slot.
• Center and square the lock in the door prep.
Outside lever won’t go on.
• Key cylinder is assembled incorrectly.
• Follow lever installation pull/push instructions.
• See Cylinder and Lever installation.
• Check cam rotation and key rotation for handing.
Batteries are hot.
• A battery is reversed.
• Replace all batteries, with polarity per the
battery pack markings. Measure the battery
voltage as 6 VDC or more when new to confirm
proper insertion.
Can’t do a Factory Default Reset
• Motor/RTX cable is disconnected. Pins are
bent or cut.
• Hold down the FDR button until there are two
green blinks and beeps; then turn the inside
lever three times. Check all connections are
correct and no wires are cut or pins are bent.
No Wi-Fi connection
Wrong Wi-Fi Configuration.
Check the Wi-Fi configuration for the location.
You must have the SSID, Security type,
Password, and in some higher security
configurations, the user ID.
Intermittent Wi-Fi connection
Wi-Fi signal is weak
• Your phone’s Wi-Fi may be turned off.
• You may be too far from a Wi-Fi access point
or have walls blocking the Wi-Fi signal.
Use your smart phone Wi-Fi settings to confirm
the desired SSID is present and listed under
“Choose a Network” on your phone.
Use the same SSID, password, and user name
to connect your smart phone to the Wi-Fi to
confirm the Wi-Fi is functioning at this door
location. The NDE lock and phone can both
connect with the proper Password and User ID.
Make sure the SSID assigned to the lock is at
the nearest access point with a strong signal.
After enrolling credentials and
access files into the NDE, all valid
cards are still denied.
• DPS (door position sensor) is not calibrated.
• Activation or Expiration date errors.
• Calibrate DPS using your mobile application.
• The DPS must be calibrated before access is
granted. Use the ENGAGE mobile application to
calibrate the DPS.
• The NDE clock is set automatically with the
first communication to the Engage mobile
application. Check the User Credential
information in the app to make sure you have
enrolled the “User Configuration” with the proper
access Activation and Expiration dates.
Reader does not respond to
credentials, (no beeps or LEDs) but
lock passed power up self-test.
• Lock is not detecting a user in the area around
the reader.
• Credentials should be presented by hand
directly over the logo on the front of the reader.
Avoid interference from lanyards, wallets, or