#Bio25 11 – 140813
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7.3. Service intervals
Every 500 Working Hours
1. Order the service kit for 500 hours service “KIT BIO25-500”
2. Thoroughly fl ush the machine prior to disassembly and insure that no
particles remain in the machine.
3. Disassemble machine as described on the following pages.
4. Upon complete disassembly of the machine, all parts should be thoroughly
washed and/or degreased in the appropriate manner, then inspected
5. Inspect seals and bushings and gears for wear; locate position numbers from
“Exploded Drawing View” on page 26. Replace if unduly worn.
6. Reassemble the machine. A service card is included with this manual; see
page 35. This should be completed each time service is performed on the tank
cleaning machine so that a proper maintenance record/history is kept.
Every 1000 Working Hours
1. Order the special service kit for 1000 hours service “KIT BIO25-1000”
2. Do the same inspection as for 500 hours
3. Replace the parts in the service kit. Check all parts for wear, replace if