255 – Access denied (the door will be always locked to this user). The remaining 254
weekly schedules can be created by selecting suitable daily schedules for each day of
the week.
Daily schedule
– defines the user access to the door over the course of 24 hours. From
among the general number of 256 daily schedules, 2 are predefined: 0 (the door will be
unlocked to this user round the clock) and 255 (the door will be locked to this user round
the clock). The other 254 daily schedules can be created, based on the time slots. The
daily schedule must consist of at least one time slot.
Time slot
– defines period of time within 24 hours, when the user has access to the door. Up
to 256 time slots can be created. When programming, you must define from when (hour
and minutes) to when (hour and minutes) the door is to be available to the user.
Additionally, it is possible to define up to 60 days / exceptional periods which have global
character. On holiday(s), exceptional daily schedules, i.e. different rules of access to the
door, may be valid. Up to 128 exceptional daily schedules can be created. You have to
determine for each weekly schedule, which exceptional daily schedule is to be valid during
the exceptional day / period. If no exceptional daily schedule is selected, the access rules
defined in the weekly schedule will also hold good during the holiday(s).
6.6.1 Creating the access schedule
1. Click with your mouse on the button designated S
, available on the program
menu bar (see Fig. 21). The U
window will open (see Fig. 30).
2. Click with your mouse on the button designated A
. A weekly schedule will be displayed
in the window. By default, this schedule assumes full user access during all days of the
3. Assign a name to the created schedule.
4. Click with your mouse the button designated A
. The daily schedule will
be displayed in the list. At the same time, a time slot will be created for the schedule.
5. Assign a name to the created schedule.
6. Define the time slot parameters (from when to when the door is to be available to the
user). If necessary, add further time slots by clicking on the button designated A
7. If necessary, create next daily schedules.
8. Assign the daily schedules to the selected days of the week in the weekly schedule.
9. Save the created access schedule to the module(s) by clicking on the S
6.6.2 Creating exceptions
1. Click with your mouse on the button designated E
, available in the U
window (see Fig. 30). The E
window will
open (see Fig. 31).
2. Click with your mouse on the A
button. The new exception will appear in the list.
3. Assign a name to the created exception.
4. Indicate whether the exception is to be applied every year, or not.
5. Indicate whether the exception is to be valid on one day, or over a period of time.
6. Depending on previously made selections, define the exception date, or the beginning
and end of the exception.
7. Click with your mouse on the A
button to finish the procedure of defining the date /
exceptional period.
8. Click on the D
button. The E
window will open.