Basic energetic parameters are structured in the table (p. 14 - 15) and on the
drawing (p. 16 - 17).
5.1 FUEL
The basic fuel for heating boilers of SAS UWT type equipped with the controller
and blow-in ventilator, is a black coal for energetic applications of the nut grade
(acc. PN-91/G-04510 type 32.1 class 24/12). That type of fuel guarantees that
the declared power may be achieved.
The alternative fuel for coal heating boilers of SAS UWT type is a mixture of the
black coal grades as follows: 70% of coal the nut grade ( class 24/12 acc. to above
mentioned norm) and 30% of coal the fine coal grade (class 21/15 acc. to
above mentioned norm). These boilers are also fit fir combusting long flame fuels,
such as: brown coal and wood in different forms, e.g. chips, silver, shavings, etc.
The wood has to be seasoned at least one year! Wet wood combustion lowers
the efficiency and the lifetime of a boiler. It also obstructs the declared power for
slow combustion sustainment. Due to multipoint air distribution system in the
combustion chamber, it is possible for the SAS UWT boiler to burn a black coal
of fine grade. In such a case, the combustion is carried out in the upper
combustion system (see chapter FIRING UP AND FUNCTIONING OF A BOILER p.
10 ).
Boiler’s assembling should be performed by qualified and authorized personnel
(qualified person upon adequate training and authorized for performing maintenance
and repair works).
The fitter’s obligation is to get familiar with the product, its functioning and
protection systems functionality.
Prior to boiler’s assembling it is strictly necessary to get familiarized with
the content of hereby
Technical-Start-Up Documentation.