Shock Treatment with Granular Disinfectant
Adding granular chlorine or bromine disinfectant to the water in amounts much larger than
normal is called “
” the spa and should not be confused with non-chlorine shock.An
occasional shock treatment destroys algae, bacteria, and chloramines.After shocking your
spa, do not allow bathers to enter the spa until disinfectant levels drop to normal.
What Causes Loss of Disinfectant?
• Algae:
The presence of algae will consume large amounts of disinfectant. If you have an
algae problem, the use of an algaecide in addition to disinfectant may be necessary.
• Bather Load:
The greater the number of people using your spa, the more disinfectant
you will need to use.
• Improper pH:
A high pH above 7.8 substantially retards disinfecting. Keep the pH
between 7.2 and 7.8.
• Sunlight:
The sun’s Ultraviolet (UV) rays readily dissipate disinfectant levels.
• Water Temperature:
High water temperature accelerates the loss of disinfectant.
• Weather:
Rain and wind can carry a significant amount of contaminants into your spa.
Remember to Maintain:
• pH 7.2 to 7.8
• Total alkalinity 80 to 120 ppm
• If using brominating tablets the proper level in dispenser
• Maintain granular chlorine residual level at 1.0 to 3.0 ppm
• Maintain bromine residual level at 2.0 to 4.0
• Calcium hardness 125-150
• Non-chlorine shock weekly or as needed based on spa use
• Test pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness weekly
• Test disinfectant daily
(Spa test kits are available through your Saratoga Spa Dealer.)
Ozone Generators
The Saratoga Spa Luxury Line comes equipped with an ozone generator. It automatically
produces ozone 24 hours a day through our Whisper Clean® System, unless it is overridden
by another system protection mode. (For ozone trouble shooting see page 56) The Ozone
generator is equipped with a chip that will need to be replaced approximately every two
years.This is a non-warranty item.
What is Ozone?
Ozone is nature’s natural purifier. It is a chemical known as O3 and is produced from simple
oxygen molecules in our atmosphere. Ozone will breakdown and oxidize oils, greases,
suntan lotions, sweat, urea, etc. from spa water more effectively than any other oxidizer
commercially available. Ozone also assists chlorine, or bromine, to destroy bacteria and
viruses and will do so more effectively. Ozone only leaves simple oxygen in the water as a
How is Ozone Produced?
Ozone is produced in nature from lightning during electrical storms and is also produced
from ultraviolet rays from the sun to form our protective ozone layer.Your ozone converter
unit is designed to duplicate this natural sanitizer.
Always follow instructions and dosages listed by chemical manufacturers. Use only