The VSD includes a specifi c programming for pressure differential systems, according to the technical characteristics
of the motor and an input supply with a frequency of 50Hz.
However, when the project requires a pressure differential other than 50Pa, the rPI parameter may be modifi ed to the
corresponding value.
Note: When installing the unit in countries with a nominal frequency of 60Hz, the fan nameplate must be considered.
If the fan is designed to operate at 50Hz, only the supply frequency to the VSD should be changed to 60Hz. If the fan
is designed to operate at 60Hz, certain parameters must be modifi ed to the values indicated in the corresponding
settings table. These have been marked with an asterisk "*". Failure to abide by these conditions will void the S&P
Note: the minimum frequency for manual control (MIN) will be determined by the minimum airfl ow required in the ins-
tallation. In the event that the necessary frequency for said working point is less than 30% (15Hz for nominal 50Hz, and
18Hz for nominal 60Hz), the overpressure relief dampers described in EN 12101-6: 2005 standard will become more
relevant, and should be sized to release excess fl ow and pressure that may build up on the protected space.
Note: the upper limit of the output frequency for MAX speed is 50/60Hz (depending on the country). A frequency for MIN
speed greater than 70% could be indicative of an open door, window or louver, leakage higher than expected, or an error
in the calculation of the system, and therefore the requirement linked to the higher airfl ow criteria may not be reached.
The menu structure of the unit is summarized below. Use the front wheel to navigate.
To modify the parameters in
in the settings tables, it will be necessary to access the
menu, and change the
parameter from
Once the modifi cations have been completed, it must be left on Start again. Otherwise, the PDS CONTROL will remain
in FAULT status.
It is recommended not to manipulate the unit beyond what is indicated for the 60Hz frequency adjustment, or pres-
sure differential target. However, some parameters of the VSD may be modifi ed once the building work is fi nished, to
try to help correct possible mismatches. This would be done under the responsibility of the installer.
The following are the recommended parameters and values of the MYMn menu for each base frequency. It is recom-
mended not to enter values other than those indicated here.