82011-IM, REV J
Sandel SG102 & MT102 Installation Manual
Page 3-4
Mounting Orientation
The SG102 may be mounted in different orientations to facilitate the installation. See section 6.1.3.
Attachment to the Airframe
The SG102 is designed to be rigidly attached to the airframe, the stiffer the better. Do not use any
shock mounts or other external parts.
General Installation Instructions for the Hardware
The installing agency will supply and fabricate all wiring harnesses when required. The length
and routing of wires must be carefully measured and planned before the actual installation is
attempted. Avoid sharp bends in the harness or locating the harness near aircraft controls. Observe all
recommended wire sizes and types and subscribe to appropriate FAR Parts 23, 25, 27, and 29, as well
as AC 43.13-1( ) and -2( ).
The use of MIL-C-27500 shielded wire and MIL-W-22759 single conductor wire is
recommended. The use of ferrules or grounding blocks for signal ground and digital ground returns is
satisfactory; however, each ground return must be electrically separated.
In order to ensure correct performance the SG102 and associated wiring must be kept at least a
minimum of three feet from high noise sources and not routed with cables from high power sources.
The pinout descriptions will assist you in determining installation requirements. Adhere to all
notes within these descriptions and on installation wiring diagrams.
Ground Bonding. In order to assure installation characteristics match the DO-160 RF and
Lightning test conditions, ensure that ground wires of at least the recommended size are installed in
accordance with the installation drawings and these wires are connected to a bonded aircraft ground.
Power Wiring. To assure that the SG102 will operate properly down to its rated minimum
input voltage of 11Vdc, ensure that power wires of at least the recommended size are connected from
the AHRS/DG circuit breaker to the SG102 in accordance with the installation drawings.
The alignment process is performed as follows:
Step 1: Determine the aircraft leveling means. This information is noted either in the maintenance
manuals or may be found on the aircraft’s Type Certificate Data Sheet which can be found easily on
the FAA website. It is not necessary to actually level the aircraft – just know how to measure the tilt as
it sits.
Step 2: Where the SG102 is going to be mounted, make a sharp pencil line along the longitudinal axis
of the airframe. This can be accomplished by the use of a straightedge aligned square to a bulkhead or