82011-IM, REV J
Sandel SG102 & MT102 Installation Manual
Page 3-2
original signals, including the flags and stepper motor pulses.
The KA51 slaving accessory is not required. However, it may be retained for the use of the
Slaving Switches and Slaving Meter, which will continue to operate. The slaving adjustments
are non operational and should be centered.
The SG102 is capable of operation during higher heading rates (up to 150 deg/s) than the KI525
indicator. If the actual heading rate exceeds 33 deg/sec, the SG102 limits the stepper pulses
issued to the KI525 to a maximum rate of 33deg/sec and keeps track of the dropped pulses.
When the aircraft rate slows down below 33deg/sec the missing pulses are re-inserted and the
KI525 is allowed to catch up to the correct heading. If at any time the KI525 compass card lags
the true heading in this fashion the KI525 HDG flag is asserted momentarily.
Note: When upgrading an existing installation from a
KG102 to an SG102 interfaced to either a Sandel
SN3500 or SN4500, you must remove connections
between the c, j, and n pins.
Installation Considerations
3.3.1 General
The SG102 installation should conform to customer requirements and airworthiness standards
affecting the location and type of installation.
For installation refer to Drawing No. 90171-05 titled, “Installation, SG102”, for specific
assembly and mounting instructions.
3.3.2 Power
Note that primary power is supplied on
P1 (26 Pin D) or the KG102 compatibility
connector (for P/Ns -000, -100, -200), but not both.
Please see sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 for Summary Environmental information.
The SG102 should be powered by the main bus or emergency bus (as appropriate). The SG102
is immune to transients and other anomalies which may be present on the main bus.
The SG102 requires 14vdc or 28vdc power
14vdc: 5.0A circuit breaker
28vdc: 5.0A circuit breaker.
Existing KG102 installations utilizing a 5amp circuit breaker may retain the 5amp circuit breaker
providing that the specific circuit breaker type can tolerate 5.0 amps for as much as 5 minutes
during startup.