Understanding the Optional Remote
Gas-Density Indicator
If furnished, the remote gas-density indicator
provides contacts for each pole-unit that allow
remote monitoring of two low-gas-pressure
Level 1 Alarm:
When a Level 1 Alarm is issued, the pole-unit
can be opened and closed as usual. However,
the pole-unit has lost gas and should be replaced
as soon as possible.
The remote gas-density Level 1 alarm contact
opens at 95% of normal density, or 70 psig at
68°F (20°C). Contacts are normally closed at
normal operating gas pressure.
Level 2 Alarm:
When a Level 2 Alarm is issued, the gas den-
sity in the pole-unit has dropped below the
minimum functional level. The pole-unit will not
maintain full interrupting or dielectric ratings.
The pole-unit should be removed from service
and replaced promptly. Do not operate this
Trans-Rupter II.
The remote gas-density Level 2 alarm contact
opens at 88% of normal density, or 65 psig at
68°F (20°C). Contacts are normally closed at
normal operating gas pressure.
At temperatures below -31°F (-35°C), a
Level 2 alarm may be issued due to the cold
temperature . The gas density is below the
minimum functional level, so the pole-unit will
not have full interrupting or dielectric ratings .
At these temperatures, a Level 2 Alarm
does not accurately indicate whether a
pole-unit is losing SF
S&C Instruction Sheet 731-502