Terminal Pad and Conductor Connections
Attaching High-Voltage Conductors
Attach the conductors to their respective
terminal pads using flexible-conductor con-
nections. Attach and form the conductors to
minimize terminal-pad loadings. Do not exceed
the terminal-pad loadings specified in Data
Bulletin 731-60.
DO NOT inspect, service, repair, or work on
the conductors on either side of the switch
without de-energizing and grounding the
switch at all six terminals . Consider
PARTS LIVE until de-energized, tested, and
grounded .
Interrupters and terminal pads may be
energized from either side and in any posi-
tion . Test for voltage using proper high-voltage
test equipment and install suitable grounding
equipment .
Failure to observe these precautions
may result in serious injury or death.
Repeat Steps 63 through 64 for the upper and
lower terminal pads of each pole-unit.
Step 63
Thoroughly wire-brush the current-transfer
surface of the flexible-conductor connector and
immediately apply a liberal coating of Penetrox
A or other suitable aluminum connector com-
pound to the brushed surface.
Step 64
Thoroughly clean the current-transfer surface
of the terminal pad with a soft cloth and apply
a liberal coating of Penetrox A. Then bolt the
connector to the terminal pad.
Step 65
Prepare the conductor using established proce-
dures and clamp it in its connectors.
S&C Instruction Sheet 731-502