14 S&C Instruction Sheet 765-510
Figure 7. Attaching the uppermost vertical operating pipe to
the switch for an upright mounting configuration.
Vertical operating
Universal coupling
Installing the Vertical Operating Pipe
S&C recommends assembling each coupling
as work
from the top down, starting with the univer-
sal coupling connecting the switch to the upper section
of vertical operating pipe. Continue with the universal
coupling between the upper section of vertical operating
pipe and the fi rst lower section, the splice couplings con-
necting the lower sections of pipe to each other, and end
with the rotating operating handle or 6801M Automatic
Switch Operator.
Variations in the surface and height of the wood pole
and/or operating pipe are easier to adjust for when the
switch is installed in this manner.
Installing Piercing Set Screw
This equipment uses piercing set screws to couple
the operating mechanism to the operating pipe and to
provide stability to the couplings joining one or more
lengths of pipe.
Before assembling a coupling, back the piercing
set screw out of the coupling so the tip does not
protrude into the body of the coupling. This ensures
the coupling’s clamp screws can be fully tightened.
After the operator assembly is in place, tighten the
piercing set screw, piercing the pipe, and continue
until resistance is felt. It is not necessary to fully
tighten the piercing set screw.
Locate the universal coupling shipped in the
carton of switch ED parts. Attach the universal
coupling to the rotating shaft of the toggle
mechanism using the
-inch stainless steel pin,
fl atwasher, and cotter pin provided. See Figure
7 or 8, as applicable. Install the uppermost
section of the predrilled vertical operating pipe
in the universal coupling as shown. Then, secure
the vertical operating pipe to the universal
coupling using the
× 13 × 2
-inch bolt,
fl atwasher, and nut provided.
If only one
vertical pipe section is used, omit Steps 6
through 9 and proceed to Step 10.
Figure 8. Attaching the uppermost vertical operating pipe to
the switch for triangular mounting configuration.
operating pipe