Competence in Functional Safety
Functional safety of globe valves, rotary plug valves, ball valves and butterfly valves
To ensure the control valve functions properly, the pipeline must be designed to be
straight and without any manifolds or disturbances for a distance of at least six times
the pipe size (DN) upstream and downstream of the valve.
It must be checked whether the mounting position of the control valve complies with
the manufacturer‘s specifications (operating instructions).
The devices used must be checked to ensure they are suitable for use under the
prevailing ambient conditions (temperature, humidity etc.).
While installing the control valves, sufficient space must be left to remove the valve
for maintenance.
The wiring and function of devices must be documented in a wiring plan.
Main cable route
Instrument air manifold
+41 -42
Example: Wiring plan for a control valve with positioner, solenoid valve and limit signals