G - 2022/11
Member of EXEL group
Sames would like to remind users that the instructions below MUST be strictly
complied with
It is forbidden
to install the control module in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
It is forbidden
to subject the paint or air hose or spray gun power cable to excessive and repeated tension strain.
It is forbidden
to disconnect the electrical connector in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
It is forbidden
to leave air or paint hoses trailing on the floor or in areas where they are liable to be crushed or
broken by industrial vehicles.
It is forbidden
to use the
to spray a liquid other than a paint or clear coat.
It is forbidden
to drop the spray gun or subjecting it to impacts.
It is forbidden
to leave the spray gun on the ground.
It is forbidden
to use the spray gun to handle or move the parts to be painted.
It is forbidden
to leave the spray gun to soak in solvent or spraying it with solvent.
It is forbidden
to spray solvent before switching off the control module.
It is essential
to connect the control module ground terminal to the paint apparatus ground terminal.
It is essential
to tighten the two safety screws on the electrical connector.