Member of EXEL group
1.8. Operating rules
• The ventilation system must be checked on a daily basis to ensure it is working properly.
• Performance checks must be carried out on the extraction control system once a week.
• Before starting to spray, check that the nozzle/tip and air cap are fitted to the gun and that the air cap
ring is fully tightened.
• All metal parts of the booth and parts to be painted must be correctly grounded. Ground resistance
must be less than or equal to 1 M
. (measurement voltage 500 V). This resistance value must be
regularly checked.
• The operator must wear dissipator shoes according Standard EN 61340-4-3 and hold the
spray gun bare-handed or with gloves that are either dissipators or specially
adapted to allow direct contact between the handle and the operator’s hand. Shoes intended to be
worn by the operator have to be in accordance with the standard ISO 20344. The measured insulating
resistance does not have to exceed 100 M
• Protective clothings intended to be worn, including gloves, have to be in accordance with the standard
EN 1149-5. The measured insulating resistance does not have to exceed 100 M
• The operator must also wear ear defenders when using
spray guns
• Ensure that anyone who enters the spraying area is wearing dissipator shoes or is otherwise grounded.
• Never throw or drop deliberately the electrostatic spray gun. Dropping the gun could damage the high
voltage generator. After a drop, it is advised to verify the functioning of the pistol out off zone before
its re-use.
• Never point the spray gun towards a person.
• Check the spray gun at least 1 time a week.
• Never use the apparatus in the following situations:
1 If you notice an air leak from the spray gun when the trigger is released.
2 If the spray gun electrical connector catch is not held securely in place with two safety screws.
3 If the spray gun barrel, handle show signs of an impact that may have deteriorated the air-tightness
of internal components.
• The manual electrostatic projection equipment must be exploited only if it is in a perfect state. A
damaged equipment must be immediately removed from the installation and must be repaired.
The worn out components must be immediately replaced.
• Follow the precautions specified for the paints and solvents used (e.g. wear a mask etc.).
• Close and dump the air and paint supply before leaving the device shut down for an extended period.
• Check the paint hose is in good condition before starting to operate the device.
• The electropneumatic coupling, held in place by two safety screws
• If any of the following elements are damaged, all operations with the device must be stopped: barrel,
handle, electropneumatic coupling, air cap or air cap ring.