UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
6 Repair/Maintenance
6.3 Software Update
t_ue_e07.fm / 21.06.04
The Electronics Unit reboots automatically. The OK button closes the window of the update routine.
10. Verify the proper function of the system, make sure that AIS targets and sensor data will be
displayed on the connected display system.
11. Verify that the Update was successful and the new software version is installed.
Do not interrupt the update! If update procedure is interrupted, the Elec-
tronics Unit may come into an undefined status, in which no further
update or operation is possible.
During the update the new software is stored in the RAM module of the AIS. After the successful transfer
the old version will be deleted by erasing the Flash ROM. Then the update file will be stored on the Flash
If the power supply was interrupted during the update process, it may occur in seldom cases, that the
electronics unit is not restarting again. In this case it may necessary to exchange the Disk On Chip
memory module.
Software Update by means of a CHARTPILOT or MULTIPILOT 91x0
If a CHARTPILOT or MULTIPILOT 91x0 is connected (the AIS Electronics Unit must be connected to the
LAN), it is possible to update the AIS by means of one of these systems. The update of the AIS Elec-
tronics Unit is possible from CHARTPILOT/MULTIPILOT software version 5.1 onwards.
Do not change any CHARTPILOT settings while doing the software
update via CHARTPILOT or MULTIPILOT. This may cause problems of
the ECDIS application and can degrade the performance of your naviga-
tion system.
Put the Update CD ROM in the CD ROM drive of the CHARTPILOT.
Open the System Maintenance menu (Tree => System Maintenance).
Open the Configuration menu and input the service password.
Open the AIS menu and start the software update programm.