UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
6 Repair/Maintenance
6.1 Trouble Shooting
t_ue_e07.fm / 21.06.04
Fig. 6-4
Protocol AIS TxD
shows the protocol which has been transmitted by a AIS. The alarm messages can be
forced by disconnecting the sensors and/or the VHF antenna.
If there is no communication on the interface, the AIS is not working. If the power supply and the
cable connection are correct, the AIS Electronics Unit seems to be defective.
If a ship’s sensor is connected to the interface which has been used for the test, it must be made
sure, that all modifications of the parameterization of this interface that were necessary for the test
are cancelled.
$AITXT,1,1,31,AIS: Heading valid*0D
$AITXT,1,1,34,AIS: Other ROT source in use*62
$AIALR,122514.85,025,A,V,AIS: external EPFS lost*21
$AIALR,122514.85,032,A,V,AIS: Heading lost/invalid*0C
$AITXT,1,1,25,AIS: internal GNSS in use*5C
$AITXT,1,1,28,AIS: internal SOG/COG in use*67
$AIALR,122515.86,035,A,V,AIS: no valid ROT information*49
$AIALR,122522.93,001,A,V,AIS: Tx malfunction*52
Status messages of the connected
sensors, sent every minute
Position report
Alive message,
every second
Another AIS has
been received
Alarm: External
position data
not available
Alarm: Heading
data not avail-
Alarm: VHF
does not work