UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
4 Functional Description
4.3 Description of the Components
t_ue_e04.fm / 21.06.04
Output sentences in compliance with IEC 61162-1/-2
AIS VHF channel selection
AIS VHF power setting
AIS VHF channel bandwidth
Transmit/Receive mode control
ACA (AIS channel assignment message)
ACA (AIS channel assignment message)
ACA (AIS channel assignment message)
ACA (AIS channel assignment message)
BIIT Input
Alarm/Indication acknowledgement
ACK (Acknowledgement message)
LR acknowledge
Manual LR acknowledge
LRF (Long range function)
Proprietary Sentences
AIS Electronics Unit configuration
- IMO number
- Other AIS equipment controls
AISCFG (AIS configuration)
AIS serial input/output configuration
AISSIO (AIS serial input/output)
AIS transmitter on/off, acknowledged by AISTXD from the
Electronics Unit
AISTXD (AIS transmitter status)
AIS alive message (every 20 s)
AISALV (AIS alive)
Transversal and longitudinal offset of the internal AIS position
sensor relative to the ship’s system position
AISPOF (AIS offset, relative to system position)
Any telegram which is sent by long range function must be
acknowledged by means of AISLRA
AISLRA (AIS long range acknowledgement)
- Query ACA
Query for ACA data
Query for transmitter status
Query for Electronics Unit log file
Query for firmware version
Sentence Identifier/Description
Prepared by AIS Unit
Notification that a session initiated by the messages ABM,
BBM, AIR is terminated
ABK (Acknowledgement message)
AIS own-ship broadcast data (all transmissions available)
VDO (VHF data link own-vessel message)
Channel management data
ACA (AIS channel assignment message (using
query mechanism)
Received on VHF Data Link by AIS Unit
All VDL AIS messages received
Broadcast or addressed to own station
VDM (VHF data link message)
Received on LR Communication System
LR interrogation message received
LRI (Long range interrogation) and LRF (Long
range function identification)
Proprietary Sentences
AIS Electronics Unit power on
AISPWR (AIS power)
Log file data
AISLFS (AIS log file send)
Sentence Identifier/Description