UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
3 Installation Recommendations
3.2 Specific Recommendations
t_ue_e03.fm / 21.06.04
Pilot Port, Connector/Cable Kits
The regulations for AIS systems prescribe a connector for the Pilot Port. This connector is standardized.
The following kits are available:
Recommendations Concerning UAIS Stand-alone with Radar 9xxx / NACOS xx-2/-3
An UAIS Debeg 3400 with DCU can used with an existing Radar 9xxx installation without any additional
software update if the following prerequisites are fulfilled:
All necessary ship’s sensors are connected additionally to the AIS Electronics Unit. The sensors
must be connected directly (a Gyro Converter Unit may be necessary). It is not permissible to
connect the output channels of the Ship’s Interface to the AIS Electronics Unit.
Only the heading information may be derived from the Ship’s Interface. For this purpose, at least
one free output channel must be available and the system software must be 039 (or higher) for
NACOS xx-2 or 071 (or higher) for NACOS xx-3.
If the AIS derives it’s position sensor data from the Ship’s Interface, a software update for the complete
navigation system must be performed. The software version must be 096 or higher. Older versions do
not comply to IEC 61162-1 edition 2/2000 (NMEA 2.3). In these versions source and status of the position
data is not indicated. Such versions must not be used with an AIS.
If the AIS is installed in combination with a MULTIPILOT 91x0 or a CHARTPILOT 9320/9330, the
complete navigation system has to be updated to software version 097A or higher.
CHARTPILOTs with a software version 4.0 or newer require an 8-channel Ship’s Interface.
Recommendations Concerning the Connection to a SAM 1000 Series System
In a single installation, an Analog Interface must be existing to connect the AIS system. In dual or multiple
installations with two Analog Interfaces, the AIS must be connected as follows:
Radar software version
Analog Interface No. 1 (usually at Indicator No. 1)
Radar software version
Analog Interface No. 2 (usually at Indicator No. 2)
The AIS Electronics Unit must not be connected to both Analog Interfaces!
At a radar with software version 3.0 or newer or a MULTIPILOT 1000, the AIS can be connected also by
means of the Ethernet LAN. In this case, an Analog Interface is not necessary (if it is not needed for an
analog gyro).
Consisting of
Order No.
Panel mounting
Connector 9 pole (male), for panel mounting with 3 m cable
Free hanging
Connector 9 pole "free hanging" (male) with 10 m cable