UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
4 Functional Description
4.3 Description of the Components
t_ue_e04.fm / 21.06.04
The UAIS DEBEG 3400 is equipped with a 12 channel GPS receiver and provides position data
according to IEC 61162 Edition 2, so that it is suitable for the use as a position sensor. In areas where
the VTS stations provide differential correction data via VHF link the UAIS DEBEG 3400 switches auto-
matically into DGPS mode.
Global positioning system
- UTC (hhmmss.ss)
- Latitude N/S (data and "N" or "S" or empty fields)
- Longitude E/W (data and "E" or "W" or empty fields)
- Mode indicator ( N=No fix
R=Real Time Kinematic
F=Float RTK
M=Manual input
S=Simulator mode
- Number of satellites (00...99)
- Horizontal dilution (x.x data or empty field)
- Antenna altitude (x.x data or empty field)
- Geoidal separation (x.x data or empty field)
- Age of diff. GPS data (x.x data or empty field)
- Diff. reference station (x.x data or empty field)
GNS (Global positioning system)
Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
- UTC (hhmmss.ss)
- Status ("V" or "A")
- Latitude, N/S (IIII.II,a)
- Longitude, E/W (YYYYY.YY,a)
- Speed over ground, knots (x.x)
- Course over ground, degrees true (x.x)
- Date; dd/mm/yy (xxxxxx)
- Magnetic variation, degrees, E/W (data and "E" or "W"
or empty fields
- Mode indicator ( A=Autonomous mode
D=Differential mode
E=Estimated mode
M=Manual input mode
S=Simulator mode
N=Data not valid
RMC (Recommended minimum specific GNSS
Course over ground and ground speed
- Course over ground, degrees true (x.x data and "T"
or empty fields)
- Course over ground, degrees magnetic (x.x data and "M"
or empty fields)
- Speed over ground, knots (x.x data and "N" or empty fields)
- Speed over ground, km/h (x.x data and "K" or empty fields)
- Mode indicator ( A=Autonomous mode
D=Differential mode
E=Estimated mode
M=Manual input mode
S=Simulator mode
N=Data not valid
VTG (Course over ground and ground speed)
Time and date
- UTC (hhmmss.ss)
- Day, 01 to 31 (xx)
- Month, 01 to 12 (xx)
- Year (xxxx)
- Local zone hours (xx data or empty field)
- Local zone minutes (xx data or empty field)
ZDA (Time and date)
Sentence Identifier/Description