Sirius 800 Series User Manual
Multi-Drop Panel Communications Protocol (SW-P-06)
Nucleus Router Control Modules 14.6
Iss 5 Rev 7
Page 283
© 2017 SAM
14.6 Multi-Drop Panel Communications Protocol (SW-P-06)
This protocol is designed to communicate between a SAM router control system and serially
controlled router Control Panels. Up to sixteen devices may be daisy chained onto one
multi-drop control port, each device requires a unique address, identified using an address
switch. The control system database must hold configuration data for all devices.
The full specification for this protocol is available from the Customer Support section of the
SAM web site.
14.7 General Switcher Protocol (SW-P-02)
The General Switcher Communication Protocol can be used to control SAM routers. It uses
numbers in the range 0 to 16383 (when in extended mode) to set, acknowledge and poll
crosspoints via a single Nucleus control module. Master router ports must be configured for
this protocol if the router is to be controlled by a Centra or Aurora control system.
If the system is a multi-level router, and configured as such in it’s database, all levels may be
controlled using a destination offset appropriate to its level position in the Nucleus database
In order for Centra or Aurora (or any system using General Switcher protocol) to control a
multi-level Nucleus system, the user must have knowledge of the local database in use, only
then can the router control module direct the correct the data to the correct crosspoints.
The full specification for this protocol is available from the Customer Support section of the
SAM web site.
14.7.1 SW-P-02 Routing, Monitoring O/Ps & MV Destination Control
Extended commands - Interrogate (65), Connect (66), Tally (67), Connected (68). For all
these commands the monitor rows are mapped onto destinations starting at
16370* (0x3FF2).
Destination 16370* = Monitor row 1
Destination 16371* = Monitor row 2
Destination 16372* = Monitor row 3
Destination 16373* = Monitor row 4
Alternatively use the New Monitor Row Interrogate or connect commands in
SW-P-02 issue 32 and above. The sources are mapped the same way as the standard
commands, however all of the inputs are now accessible.
The information in this section is only correct if the Sirius 800 router is fitted with
Nucleus 2450 router controllers with the default database. Databases can be
modified including the SW-P-02 information. If this is the case please see the
database configuration for details.
When the Sirius 800 router is fitted with Nucleus2 router controllers using the
default database the number scheme will be different. Please see the database
configuration for details.
All numbers with an Asterisk (*) against them are Base 0.
Monitor Row Source Numbering
Some older routers only had output monitoring which was addressed as sources 0 to 575*.
When the input monitoring feature was added to routers the input monitoring sources had
to be added on top of the existing range to maintain compatibility with the older routers and