Sirius 800 Series User Manual
Nucleus 2450 Router Controller Card
Nucleus Router Control Modules 14.5
Iss 5 Rev 7
Page 279
© 2017 SAM
The “TrapMessageDelay” variable specifies the number of
milliseconds minimum that occurs between consecutive SAM
trap messages. For example if it is set to 10 there is a gap of at
least 10ms between each SAM specific trap message that is
sent. The reason for this is that when large numbers of
crosspoints are changed simultaneously (for example) a large
number of traps can be sent in quick succession, which can
cause unnecessary loading on the controller and management
station. It is recommended that this variable is set to a value
between 0 and 100.
Note: No traps are discarded as a result of this setting they are
simply queued up and sent at the specified intervals.
The “DisableInitialNotify” flag can be used to prevent the
controller card from sending power on startup traps for each
variable type that supports traps. The reason for implementing
this flag is that in a router with a large number of destinations
(512 for example) there are 5 trappable parameters per
destination. On startup this particular router would result in 2560
traps for the destination variables alone. By setting this variable
to 1 these initial traps are not sent (but all subsequent ones are).
This is global setting that affects all SAM specific variables.