We would like to thank you in advance for the trust you have
placed in us by purchasing this product. Read this instruction
manual carefully in order to be familiarized with its contents,
because, as much as you know and understand the equipment
the highest will be your satisfaction and safety levels and their
features will be optimized too.
We remain at you entire disposal for any further information or
any query you should wish to make.
Yours sincerely.
The equipment here described
can cause important
physical damages due to wrong handling
. This is why,
the installation, maintenance and/or fixing of itself must
be done by our staff or qualified
personnel exclusively
Although we have made every effort to guarantee a com-
plete and accurate information in this user's manual, we
are not responsible for any errors or omissions that may
The images included in this document are mere illustrations
and they could not represent the part of the equipment ex-
actly, therefore they are not contractual. Nevertheless, dif-
ferences that could exist will be alleviated or solved with
the correct labelling of the equipment.
According to our policy of constant evolution,
we reserve
the right to modify the specifications, operating or
described actions in this document without fore-
Any reproduction, copy or third party concession,
modification or partial or in whole translations
of this
manual or document, in any format or media,
is prohib-
ited without the previous written authorization of our
, being reserved the full and exclusive ownership right
over it.