2. Matters Requiring Safety Cautions
2.1 Explosions, Fires from Hydrogen Gas
Because storage batteries generate hydrogen gas, fire, short circuits between
the (+) and (
–) terminals and other conditions can cause ignited explosions or fires.
Rooms should be well ventilated to maintain hydrogen gas concentration at
0.8% or less.
Vinyl tape or other insulation should be applied to torque wrenches, spanners
and other metallic tools.
Keep fires, cigarettes or other lit items away from the batteries at all times.
Never disconnect the vent plug located on top of the storage battery.
2.2 Burns or Vision Loss from Sulfuric Acid
The electrolytes in storage batteries consist of diluted sulfuric acid. If the battery is damaged andthe electrolyte
leaks out, do not touch it directly, and use soda or another neutralizer to neutralize the solution. Allowing the
solution to get in the eyes or on the skin or clothing can result in loss of vision, burns or other injuries. If the
electrolyte does get on something in this way, immediately wash it off with large amounts of water. In particular,
if the solution gets into the eyes or is mistakenly consumed, immediately arrange for an examination by a
2.3 Electric Shock from Touching Electric Conduction Portion
When conducting maintenance inspections, always wear rubber gloves, rubber shoes
and other protective gear. Allowing any part of the body to come into direct contact
with the conduction part (charging component) will result in electric shock.
2.4 Static Electricity Explosions
Always clean storage batteries with a damp cloth (a well-wrung rag, etc.).
Because storage battery containers and lids are made from synthetic resin,
cleaning with a dry cloth or duster can generate static electricity and cause
ignited explosions.
Never cover a storage battery with a vinyl sheet or other material capable
of generating static electricity. There is a threat that such items will generate
static electricity and cause ignited explosions.
Explosion Danger
Keep away from fire
Keep Away from Fire
Electric Shock Danger
Explosion Danger