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10 — English


Do not at any time let brake fluids, gasoline, petroleum-
based products, penetrating lubricants, etc., come in con-
tact with plastic parts. Chemicals can damage, weaken or 
destroy plastic which can result in serious personal injury.

You can often make adjustments and repairs described 
here. For other repairs, have the power head serviced by 
an authorized service dealer.


See Figure 9.


The blade/cutting head will move when adjusting the 
idle speed. Wear all protective clothing and keep all by-
standers, children, and pets at least 50 ft. away. Make 
adjustments with the unit supported by hand so that the 
blade/cutting head does not contact the ground or any 
object. Keep all parts of your body away from the blade/
cutting head and muffler. Failure to follow these instruc-
tions could result in serious personal injury.

If the cutting attachment turns at idle, the idle speed screw 
needs adjusting on the engine. Turn the idle speed screw 
counterclockwise to reduce the idle RPM and stop the cut-
ting attachment movement. If the cutting attachment still 
moves at idle speed, contact a service dealer for adjustment 
and discontinue use until the repair is made.


The cutting attachment should never turn at idle. Turn 
the idle speed screw counterclockwise to reduce the 
idle RPM and stop the cutting attachment, or contact a 
service dealer for adjustment and discontinue use until 
the repair is made. Serious personal injury can result from 
the cutting attachment turning at idle. 


See Figures 10 - 11.

For proper performance and long life, keep air filter screen 

  Remove the air filter cover by pushing down on the latch 

with your thumb while gently pulling on the cover.

  Brush the air filter screen lightly to clean. 

  Replace the air filter cover by inserting the tabs on the 

bottom of the cover into the slots on the air filter base; 
push the cover up until it latches securely in place.




Check for fuel leaks. A leaking fuel cap, tank, or lines 
are a fire hazard and must be replaced immediately. If 
you find any leaks, correct the problem before using the 
product. Failure to do so could result in a fire that could 
cause serious personal injury.

The fuel cap contains a non-serviceable filter and a check 
valve. A clogged fuel filter will cause poor engine perfor-
mance. If performance improves when the fuel cap is loos-
ened, check valve may be faulty or filter clogged.  Replace 
fuel cap if required.


This engine uses a Champion RY4C or equivalent spark plug 
with .025  in. electrode gap. Use an exact replacement and 
replace annually.


Be careful not to cross-thread the spark plug. Cross-
threading will seriously damage the product.


See Figure 12.

For best performance, engine lubricant should be changed 
after every 25 hours of operation. 

To change the engine lubricant:

  Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire. Allow 

the engine to cool completely before proceeding.

  Remove the screw from the top engine cover and set 


  Remove the screws from the bottom of the engine cover. 

Remove the bottom cover and set aside.

  Remove the oil fill cap/dipstick.

  Tip power head on its side and allow lubricant to drain 

from the oil fill hole into an approved container.


Drain the lubricant while the engine is still warm 

but not hot. Warm lubricant will drain quickly and more 

  Return the power head to an upright position and refill 

with lubricant following the instructions in the 


Checking Engine Lubricant 

section previously in this 


  Reinstall the bottom engine cover. Replace the screws 

and tighten securely.

Содержание RY34005

Страница 1: ...ared for it will give you years of rugged trouble free performance WARNING To reduce the risk of injury the user must read and understand the operator s manual before using this product OPERATOR S MAN...

Страница 2: ...F G H I J A B C D E F G Fig 4 A Bolt boulon perno B Front handle poign e avant mango delantero C Washer rondelle arandela D Wing nut crou papillon tuerca de mariposa A B C D PROPER TRIMMER ATTACHMENT...

Страница 3: ...levas B A Screw vis tornillo B Top engine cover couvercle moteur sup rieur cubierta superior del motor C Bottom cover couvercle inf rieure cubierta inferior Fig 13 A B A C Fig 14 A A Feeler gauge jau...

Страница 4: ...TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATI RES NDICE DE CONTENIDO INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCCI N This product has many features for making its use more pleasant and enjoyable Safety performance and dep...

Страница 5: the event of a blade thrust or other unexpected reaction of the blade or saw chain Do not operate this unit when you are tired ill or under the influence of alcohol drugs or medication Do not oper...

Страница 6: ...rottle trigger released Maintain proper control until the blade has completely stopped rotating Replace any blade that has been damaged Always make sure blade is installed correctly and securely faste...

Страница 7: ...attach ment s Operator s Manual Keep Bystanders Away Keep all bystanders at least 50 ft away Ricochet Thrown objects can ricochet and result in personal injury or property damage The following signal...

Страница 8: ...rred during shipping Donotdiscardthepackingmaterialuntilyouhavecarefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the product If any parts are damaged or missing please call 1 800 860 4050 for assistance...

Страница 9: ...ator s Manual Failure to do so could result in objects being thrown into your eyes and other possible serious injuries WARNING Do not use any attachments or accessories not recom mended by the manufac...

Страница 10: ...the upper portion of the hatched area on the dipstick Replace and secure the oil cap dipstick NOTICE Do not overfill Overfilling the crankcase may cause excessive smoke oil loss and engine damage OPER...

Страница 11: ...return to the FULL CHOKE position and repeat the steps that follow Allow the engine to run for 10 seconds then set the choke lever to the RUN position To restart a warm engine Slowly press the primer...

Страница 12: ...ush the air filter screen lightly to clean Replace the air filter cover by inserting the tabs on the bottom of the cover into the slots on the air filter base push the cover up until it latches secure...

Страница 13: ...n 0 20 mm the clearance should be adjusted as follows While holding a wrench on the flats of the adjusting nut with one hand loosen the retaining nut with a second wrench as shown in figure 15 Take ca...

Страница 14: ...NTENANCE SCHEDULE Inspect For Clean Replace Replace Maintenance Damage Before Every Every 25 Hours Every Part Each Use 5 Hours or Yearly 50 Hours AIR FILTER ASSY Includes Filter Screen X CARBURETOR AS...

Страница 15: ...le Idle speed screw on carburetor needs adjustment Turn idle speed screw clockwise to increase idle speed See Figure 9 Engine emits too much smoke Too much oil in crankcase Drain lubricant and refill...

Страница 16: ...turn Screw threads are dirty or damaged Clean threads and lubricate with grease if no im provement replace the spool retainer Grass wraps around driveshaft housing and string head Cutting tall grass...

Страница 17: ...he warranty does not extendtorepairsmadenecessarybynormalwearorbythe use of parts or accessories which are either incompatible with the RYOBI brand outdoor product or adversely affect its operation pe...

Страница 18: ...sed in non warranty maintenance or repairs and shall not reduce the warranty obligations of Techtronic Industries North America Inc c The warranty on emissions related parts will be interpreted as fol...

Страница 19: ...utiliser cet outil en tat de fatigue si l on est souffrant ou sous l influence de l alcool de drogues ou de m dicaments R GLES DE S CURIT G N RALES Ne pas travailler sous un clairage insuffisant Se t...

Страница 20: objets pris dans la lame ou la bloquant et avant d installer ou retirer la lame Ne pas essayer de toucher ou d arr ter la lame en rotation Une lame continuant de tourner au d bray une fois que le m...

Страница 21: ...Ne laisser personne s approcher Garder les badauds une distance de 15 m 50 pi minimum Ricochet Les objets projet s peuvent ricocher et infliger des blessures ou causer des dommages mat riels Les terme...

Страница 22: ...uit et avoir v rifi qu il fonctionne correctement Si des pi ces sont manquantes ou endommag es appeler le 1 800 860 4050 LISTE DES PI CES Bloc moteur Poign e avant avec quincaillerie Flacon de lubrifi...

Страница 23: ...t outil L utilisation de pi ces et accessoires non recommand s peut entra ner des blessures graves AVERTISSEMENT L utilisation de cet quipement pourrait cr er des tincelles susceptibles d enflammer la...

Страница 24: ...ET ENDOMMAGERA L APPAREIL ET ANNULERA LA GARANTIE NOTE Les dommages au circuit de carburant et les prob l mes de performance r sultant de l utilisation de carburant oxyg n contenant des pourcentages...

Страница 25: ...n HALF CHOKE demi tranglement Tirer sur le cordon du lanceur jusqu ce que le moteur d marre Ne pas tirer le cordon plus de six 6 fois NOTE Si le moteur ne d marre pas mettre le volet de d part sur FUL...

Страница 26: ...sence les produits base de p trole les lubrifiants p n trantes etc entrer en contact avec les pi ces en plastique Les produits chimiques peuvent endommager affaiblir ou d truire le plastique ce qui pe...

Страница 27: ...proc dure il est n cessaire de d sassembler partiellement le moteur Si vous n tes pas certain d tre suffisamment qualifi pour effectuer cette op ration confier l unit un centre de r parations agr Arr...

Страница 28: ...ue le couvercle moteur et les autres pi ces ont t r assembl s compl tement et de fa on appropri e avant de faire d marrer le moteur Ne pas respecter cette directive peut entra ner des blessures et ris...

Страница 29: ...air cran Voir la section Nettoyage du filtre air cran plus haut dans ce manuel Contacter un centre de r parations Nettoyer ou remplacer la bougie R gler l cartement de l lectrode Voir Remplacement de...

Страница 30: ...fil Tirer les lignes en appuyant sur la bobine et en la rel chant alternativement Retirer la ligne de la bobine et la r enrouler Consulter la section du pr sent manuel qui traite du remplacement du fi...

Страница 31: ...isation de pi ces et accessoires incompatibles avec le produit d ext rieur RYOBI ou nuisibles son bon fonctionnement ses performances ou sa durabilit En outre cette garanti exclut A Les r glages Bougi...

Страница 32: ...une durabilit quivalente peuvent tre utilis es pour les entretiens et r parations non couverts par la garantie sans que cela ne change les obligations de garantie de Techtronic Industries North Americ...

Страница 33: ...nidad cuando se encuentre fatigado enfermo o bajo los efectos del alcohol drogas o medicamentos No utilice este producto si no hay luz suficiente Mantenga los pies bien afirmados y el equilibrio No tr...

Страница 34: ...o detener la cuchilla mientras contin e girando La hoja de corte puede causar lesiones en su giro de inercia despu s de apagarse el motor o de soltarse el gatillo del acelerador Mantenga un control a...

Страница 35: ...en el Manual del operador de ste Mantenga alejadas a las personas presentes Mantenga alejados a los observadores a un m nimo de 15 m 50 pies de distancia Rebote Cualquierobjetolanzadopuederebotaryprod...

Страница 36: ...sporte No deseche el material de empaquetado hasta que haya inspeccionado cuidadosamente la producto y la haya utilizado satisfactoriamente Si hay piezas da adas o faltantes le suplicamos llamar al 1...

Страница 37: ...escribe en el Manual del operador de ste La inobservancia de esta advertencia puede permitir que los objetos lanzados hacia los ojos y otros provocarle lesiones graves ADVERTENCIA No utilice ning n ad...

Страница 38: ...CIA Siempre apague el motor antes de llenar el dep sito de combustible Nunca agregue combustible a una m quina con el motor caliente o en funcionamiento Al jese al menos 9 metros 30 pies del sitio de...

Страница 39: NOTA Luego de la 7 vez que oprima se debe ver el combustible en la bomba de cebado Si esto no sucede contin e presionando el cebador hasta que vea combustible en la bomba Coloque la palanca del ane...

Страница 40: ...accesorio del corte a n se mueve al estar el motor en marcha lenta contacte a un representante de servicio para el ajuste y suspenda el uso de la misma hasta que se efect e la reparaci n MANTENIMIENTO...

Страница 41: ...r Si no est seguro de estar capacitado para realizar esta operaci n lleve la unidad a un centro de servicio autorizado Apague el motor y desconecte el cable de la buj a Deje enfriar el motor completam...

Страница 42: ...LTITUDES ELEVADAS Lleve este equipo a un centro de servicio t cnico autorizado para que ajusten este motor en caso de que se lo deba hacer funcionar a m s de 609 6 metros 2000 pies de altura De no hac...

Страница 43: ...tro de aire pantalla Consulte la secci n Limpieza del filtro de aire pantalla previamente en este manual Comun quese con un establecimiento de servicio Limpie o reemplace la buj a seg n sea necesario...

Страница 44: ...manual Tire de los hilos a la vez que alternadamente presiona y suelta el ret n del carrete Retire el hilo del carrete y vuelva a enrollarlo Consulte la secci n de reabastecimiento del hilo correspond...

Страница 45: ...ria por el uso normal ni por el uso de piezas o accesorios que sean incompatibles con la herramienta para uso exterior de la marca RYOBI o afecten de forma desfavorable su funcionamiento desempe o o d...

Страница 46: ...ivalentes en rendimiento y durabilidad en las tareas de mantenimiento o reparaci n no amparadas por la garant a sin que se reduzcan las obligaciones de Techtronic Industries North America Inc amparada...

Страница 47: ...17 Espa ol NOTES NOTAS...

Страница 48: ...18 Espa ol NOTES NOTAS...

Страница 49: ...19 Espa ol NOTES NOTAS...

Страница 50: tambi n se pueden obtener en uno de nuestros Centros de Servicio Autorizados C MO LOCALIZAR UN CENTRO DE SERVICIO AUTORIZADO Puede encontrar los Centros de Servicio Autorizados visitando nuestro si...
