Install the wooden cabinet door or panel onto the dishwasher door by following the steps.
Ensure the wooden cabinet door or panel weight is a minimum of 3kg and a maximum of 6kg.
Note: You may need to fix the handle of the wooden cabinet door prior to fixing the wooden
cabinet door to the dishwasher door
Install the top hob hooks (accessory 8) and lower hooks (accessory 4) on to the wooden cabinet
door or panel with ST3.5 x 25 screws (accessory 3) and ST3 x 14 screws (accessory 1). Put the
hooks into the slot of the outer door of dishwasher
After positioning of the wooden cabinet door or panel, remove the 4 short screws from the
inside of the dishwasher door, then fix the 4 ST3.5 x 45 (accessory 2) into the subsequent hole
and into the wooden cabinet door or panel.
Remove the 4 short screws
Fix the 4 ST3.5 x 45 screws