DN 35-EN
Start operation
1. Ensure that the unit is connected to the power socket
2. Make sure the water tank is placed in proper position. (After plug on the
machine for the first time, if the full tank lamp light up, just pull out the water
tank, then push it back to the proper position.)
When Bucket Full Lamp Is On
When the water tank is full the machine will stop and the "Bucket Full" light
will illuminate. The water tank should be carefully removed from the
machine by sliding it outwards from the front of the machine and it should
be emptied. When the empty tank is replaced properly into the ma- chine,
the machine will start up and run normally.
Remove the water in the water tank with two hands .
When the machine is operated at low temperatures (less than 12ºC ) the surface of the evaporator
may accumulate a layer of frost which would reduce the efficiency of the machine. When this
happens the machine will go into periodic defrost mode. The defrost symbol on the LCD display
will come on. The machine will opérate in temperatures down to 5°C. The time taken to defrost
may vary. If the machine freezes up, it should be turned off at the power supply and re- started. If
the room temperature remains below 5°C the machine should be switched off.
Continuous Drainage Under Good Condition
The function of continuous drainage can be started in following steps when there is a good
condition of drainage near by the unit.
1) Prepare PVC hose to drain out water (The hose sold in market)
2) Take out stopper from the drainage outlet.
3) Remove the flat pad inside the stopper.
4) Make the drainage pipe go through the ring of the stopper.
5) Place the bucket on its original location.
The Proper Way To Place The Water Drainage PVC Hose.