Technical Manual - RVL-N Single Wire Loop Box v16.5.2014
Capacities are calculated for static loads. The calculations do not take into
account cracks or deformations in the joint.
5 ResistaNces
accoRDiNg to ec
Design values of resistance presented in the tables are resistances in ultimate limit state.
The resistance is defined by the weakest concrete in the joint (element/joint concrete).
5.1 CAlCulAtIon prInCIplEs
The longitudinal shear capacities of the RVL wire rope loops are calculated
according to Eurocode EN 1992-1-1 chapter 6.2.5.
5.2 dEsIgn vAluEs of rEsIstAnCE for
longItudInAl shEAr forCE (EC)
Direction of longitudinal shear force in joint
5. Resistances According to EC